There is a group block of rooms for the Skills Summit at the Capital Hilton.
Capital Hilton
1001 16th Street NW
Washington, DC 20036
Please call the hotel directly or via the website to make your room reservation or you can call the hotel at 1.202.393.1000. To guarantee this special group rate of $319 per night, you must make your reservation no later April 13th. Please identify yourself as an NSC attendee. to make your room reservation or you can call the hotel at 1.202.393.1000. To guarantee this special group rate of $319 per night, you must make your reservation no later April 13th. Please identify yourself as an NSC attendee.
Reservations may be cancelled 72 hours prior to arrival; otherwise there will be a cancellation fee equal to one night’s room rate plus applicable taxes.
Why Book in our room block at the Capital Hilton?
Booking your reservation outside of the hotel room block via Internet travel sites or “shopping” for lower rates at nearby hotels has a long-term negative impact on the NSC Summit. Hotels place financial penalties on organizations for each room not used within their negotiated block of rooms thus making it harder for us to negotiate lower rates for our attendees in the future, which we are committed to doing. By filling the block of reduced rate rooms that we have negotiated, we are able to meet our contractual hotel obligations to avoid any financial penalties to the organization and we are able to use this history as a strong negotiation tool to keep our rates for attendees low year after year. We appreciate your support of National Skills Coalition by booking hotel rooms within our official block.